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101 Fundraising ideas


74. “Loose Change Day”: Ask your child’s school to have a “Loose Change Day.” Make a flyer
encouraging each child to bring in loose change from their house to be donated. Encourage the
math classes to assist with counting, predicting and rolling the change. This is a great way to
involve the entire school. You can hold this event multiple times; every week or every month.

75. Personal vending machine at work: Have you ever wondered how much money the vending
machine at work clears in a single week? Find out! Purchase some of the office favorites in bulk
(or better yet have them donated!), mark them up, and sell them from your desk for $1 or $2. If
you have a way to keep them cold, do the same with bottled water and sodas.

76. Lunch Room: Put up a display in the lunch room at work (a sign with your picture and a note
about what you are doing); be sure to include a jar for donations and a stack of your donation

77. Dress Down Friday: Ask your boss if you can host a “Dress Down Friday.” Employees buy a
button and get to dress down on an assigned day.


78. Your HQ: Send emails from your HQ. Customize your HQ with a picture and your personal
story. Email your fundraising letter to friends, family, co-workers, and ask them to support you.
Your email will have a direct link right back to your website and when they donate online, they
will automatically receive a receipt for tax purposes. Ask everyone to forward on your email to 10
more people!

79. Say It With Color: Color your hair pink or shave your head for donations. Become a human
conversation starter and see how much attention you can draw to your dedication to the cause.

80. Start a Facebook campaign: Facebook is a great way to reach out to all your friends. Post a picture that relates to the cause so that your friends can share it with other people. Caption it with a link to the Susan G. Komen website and explain that you are raising money. Update your status daily to remind your friends to donate.

81. Start a fundraising blog: People will be more likely to donate if they know where their money is going and what is being done with their money. Make weekly posts that update people of the cause. You post about breast cancer facts, links to The 3 Day walk (or other breast cancer fundraising websites) and personal posts about why you’re rasing money. Blogspot and Tumblr are great platforms to start a blog and allow you to share your posts on other social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

82. Labels/Business Cards: Create (or order) return address labels and/or business cards that
state, “I’m participating in the Breast Cancer 3-Day. Will you sponsor me?” Don’t forget about the
Breast Cancer 3-Day business cards we have on our website (go, Login to
your participant center > Fundraising > Downloads).

83. Twitter: If you have a large following on Twitter, it is a great way to engage your friends and potential donors to the cause. Micro-blogging is a great way to remind people of what you’re doing and to bring more eyes to the cause. Unlike Facebook, Twitter can reach a larger amount of people, so create a post plan, update frequently and let the donations come in!

84. Meet the Press: Contact the editor of your local paper, or your company newsletter — or both!
Ask them to interview you about what you’ve undertaken and why, and include a request for
support. Be sure they include instructions in the story for how readers can make donations to

85. Speak at a place of worship: Ask your local place of worship if you can speak to their
congregation about the 3-Day and your commitment after a service and set up a table to collect
donations afterwards.

Next: Tap local talent and businesses

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