The fitness buddy workout
The good news about most partner exercises is that you can do them with a fitness buddy as well as by yourself when you do workout on your own. The following three exercises target the core, back
and lower body.
Medicine ball V-sit with rotation and pass
For this core-strengthening exercise, one partner holds the medicine ball, completes two rotations then chest passes the ball to the other partner who then performs the same.
Start position: Face your partner, sitting tall with your knees bent and both heels on the ground. Both partners recline back slightly, stabilizing the torso by
contracting the core (abdominal) muscles.
Movement: Exhale and slowly rotate your torso and the ball to one side, keeping the ball close to your body and aligned with the middle of your torso. Repeat this rotation on the
other side. Your partner should mirror the movement.
Partner switch off: Returning to starting position, chest pass the ball to partner, who then repeats the movement, rotating once in each direction and passing the ball back.
Perform this series for 30 to 60 seconds.
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