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The fitness buddy workout

Lunge with chest pass

Primarily targeting the lower body, a lunge and chest pass sequence also works chest, arm and core muscles. This exercise also improves balance and coordination. If you don’t have a medicine ball,
you and your partner can simply mirror each other while performing lunges.

Start position: Stand facing your partner with your feet hip-width apart, holding the medicine ball at chest level. Step into a forward lunge lowering your thigh parallel to the
ground. As you lunge forward, your heels and front foot should strike the ground first, followed by the rest of the foot. Focus on dropping your hips towards the floor, rather than driving your
hips forward. Keep your back upright.

Movement: Extending your arms straight out in front of you, chest pass the medicine ball to your partner, who is simultaneously performing a backward lunge.

Partner switch off: Your partner will then perform a forward lunge while you are performing a backward lunge, passing the medicine ball back to you. Perform for 30 to 60 seconds.

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For more information on specific exercises and partner workouts,

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