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Quiz: Are you a gold digger?

Mostly A’s

Well, throw yourself a party; you are an Independent Woman. And while you can appreciate a good-looking guy as much as the next girl, you’re just fine taking care of yourself, thank you very much, and are more interested in finding out about a man’s inner qualities more than his stock portfolio. (Just be cautious, young grasshopper, that you don’t attract any potential deadbeats while you are seeking out people’s inner goodness.)

Mostly B’s

Dear dating doyenne, do you find that when you go to buy frozen yogurt that your preferred flavor of choice is a chocolate and vanilla swirl because you like them both? I wouldn’t be surprised because you are a Mixed Bag. On one hand, you don’t expect that a man should provide you with your every need, but on the other, you have standards. In short, you walk the line between Independent Woman and Status Dater, and might even consider dating a plumber (but only if he looked like a young Brad Pitt.)

Mostly C’s

Date a plumber? The very thought makes you a little sick because you, my Louboutin-wearing, Ivy League-graduate friend, are a Status Dater. Some people may revile you as a cold, social climber who’s only interested in a man’s financial net worth, but what do they know? They’re just jealous.

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