You know sugar is bad for you, but did you know certain types of soy foods can also wreak havoc on your health? Even worse, sugar and soy often hide in many of the foods you eat every day. Here’s why you need to read labels and avoid added sugars and genetically modified forms of soy.
limiting sugars
First off, sugar is evil.
When I’m talking about sugar, I am not talking about the sugars in fruits and vegetables — those are the “good” sugars. I’m talking about “added sugars” like high fructose corn
syrup, crystalline fructose, table sugar, cane sugar and sucrose.
Chances are you are ingesting a lot more sugar than you actually know. For example, did you know that one bottle of Vitamin Water has 32.5 grams of sugar? That’s eight teaspoons of sugar. A
12-ounce can of soda contains nine teaspoons of sugar. Wow!!
“Added sugars” will slow down your digestion, cause overgrowth of bacteria in your colon, make you feel foggy-headed and fatigued, and cause conditions like high cholesterol, acid
reflux, acne, obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Word to the wise: “added sugars” are in EVERYTHING and Americans are eating them by the bucketful.
According to US Department of Agriculture (USDA) data, the average American ingests 50 teaspoons of “added sugars” per day. And get this: high fructose corn syrup and crystalline
fructose, the two biggest added sugars found used by the food industry, both contain arsenic, lead, chloride and other noxious heavy metals.
Tip:Read your labels and try to have no more than 10 grams of “added sugar” per
Being cautious about soy
Secondly, soy is just gross! Most soy products are processed and toxic. Eating soy can make your period irregular, increase your chances of infertility, cause osteoporosis, digestive disturbances,
fatigue and hypothyroidism. It’s also a common food allergen.
If possible, avoid soy in these forms:
- Hydrolyzed Soy Protein
- Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein
- Soy Flour
- Soy Oil
- Soy Lecithin
- Soy Protein Isolates (SPI)
- Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP)
Surprised? You see, most soy products on the market are made from genetically modified soybeans that are the nutritional equivalent of plastic. And, the high temperatures at which your favorite
faux duck and soy milk are processed cause all sorts of proteins to denature (break apart and lose the enzymatic activity) which renders the food indigestible.
Here’s some trivia: Asian countries have NOT been eating nofurkey or sham ham for the last three thousand years. They were (and still are) mainly eating non-genetically modified fermented
soy, also known as miso — and they eat this fermented soy as a side-dish not a main course.
FYI: The soy milk or any tofu-based product you’re eating is more than likely genetically modified and is NOT fermented.
Frightening scientific research to ponder:
- Soy reduces our ability to assimilate essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium and iron and it increases the body’s requirement for vitamin D.
- Soy intake in infants and children can cause growth problems, learning disabilities, thyroid disease and the early onset of puberty.
- Soy interferes with protein digestion and may cause pancreatic disorders.
- Soy phytoestrogens disrupt endocrine function and have the potential to cause infertility, hypothyroidism, thyroid cancer and breast cancer in women.
- Soy foods contain high levels of aluminum, which is toxic to the nervous system and the kidneys.
Ladies, it’s not enough to stop eating tofu dishes and soy milk. You also have to start reading labels as more than 60 percent of the products found in supermarkets and health food stores
contain soy protein isolate (SPI). SPI is toxic, processed and offers you zilch for nutrition.
If you absolutely need to have soy, be sure it is non-genetically modified, fermented (like miso or tempeh) and have no more than one 2-ounce serving two times per week.
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