7: SheKnows readers want to know… why do men cheat?
Opportunity. If we take that risk and get to that point, we know that something else must be wrong.
8: Do you believe in that concept of “the one”?
I don’t believe in “the one” necessarily, but it’s kind of where you are in your life. It’s being able to recognize what it is you want out of a relationship, and being able to give that to the
relationship in order to have it be reciprocated.
9: Is there a right way for a woman to end a relationship?
I don’t know if there’s any good way to end a relationship from terms of someone’s going to get their feelings hurt. I think the best way is not to deal with getting back into it, out of it, into
it, out of it – because that just reopens the wound. Cut contact until you can let yourself heal, and then possibly down the line, maybe be friends.
10: Do you think men and women can be friends after a
Yeah, but after time has gone by and they’ve healed and they’ve moved on, and they have other people that they care about. Of course!
11: What are the qualities and characteristics that make you head-over-heels for a girl rather than just a hook-up or a platonic friend?
Confidence. And they have to be strong – mentally, psychologically strong because it takes two to tango. If one of you fall down, the other person needs to be able to pick you up.
12: If a woman loves her partner but the sex is underwhelming. What should she do?
It depends on what’s underwhelming about it. She should probably be open to the guy about it and express why she’s unsatisfied, and what would satisfy her more. He might be totally clueless and
have no idea. I’d probably do it in an environment with him where he didn’t feel attacked and felt supported and that you genuinely cared about this enough to bring it up to him. Coach him on what
turns you on.
13: If you could have any three things in your perfect woman, what would those three things be?
Respect, trust and honesty.
14: SheKnows wants to know… What do YOU want?
I know exactly what I want out of a woman and I know what I am willing to give and what I’m passionate about. To find someone that shares in those values and is willing to understand me, care about
me, and has the things that I need to be loved, that’s ultimately what I want.
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