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Meet Loren

3: Why are some guys so turned on by the girl-on-girl

Women are much more sensual.

4: What do you really want in bed? For women to be the boss or for you to be the boss?

I like to be the leader, you know what I mean? It’s a masculine thing to take charge.

5: We’ve heard some guys say they are turned off by really lean, athletic women with more muscle than they have. I know it largely depends on the guy, but what do you think?

I think it depends on how they use them. They can be athletic and not be able to use it at all. It depends I guess.

SheKnows: How do you want her to use it?

Loren: Never mind. I’m getting shy. I’m really into fitness and I like to have my women really into fitness also and take care of their bodies – it’s more of just a preference I
guess. It’s tough to be so into something and be with someone that’s not, when it’s a really big part of your life.

6: What if you married a girl who started out really
physically fit and tuned into how she looked and then she has the kids and lets herself go. How would you manage that in a long-term relationship?

You have to understand the situation she is going through, and obviously she’s a mom, so it takes a lot to be a mother. And if she’s let go, it’s not because she wants to, it’s because sometimes
the body acts differently. So you just have to be there for her, support her, make sure that she gets through this and she comes out of it on top.

7: SheKnows readers want to know… why do men cheat?

Men cheat because of the opportunity. I mean there’s a gender difference. Women cheat typically because they’re not supported enough in the relationship, whether that’s enough time, enough
attention, they feel taken for granted before they seek that in other places. For men, usually it’s a sexual thing. Men cheat just because opportunity presents itself. We have a lot easier time
differentiating our emotional attractions with our physical lusts; for us it’s just like two separate things.

8: Do you believe in that concept of “the one”?

You can’t change faith. It’s going to be there no matter what, so don’t rush it, don’t take it too slow – just go with the flow.

Next: What Loren thinks about breakups and makeups

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