Q: SheKnows readers want to know… why do men cheat?
Jason says:
Men want to know, why do women cheat? Bad blanket question blasting all men. SheKnows: Good point. Both sexes are definitely guilty.
Jason: If you go into a relationship expecting that a guy will cheat, then you are attracting guys that cheat. Make a mental paradigm shift, you’ll attract different guys.
Mike says:
Aside from opportunity, I really think that cheating is almost never the problem, it is always the result. So you’ve got to rewind and take a little bit to find out what really happened. See Mike’s video response.
Loren says:
Men cheat because of the opportunity. I mean there’s a gender difference. Women cheat typically because they’re not supported enough in the relationship. For men, usually it’s a sexual thing.
See Loren’s video response.
Q: It’s been said there’s no such thing as a sensitive, nurturing man who wants to connect emotionally. Men just want sex, plain and simple. Do you think that’s true, on the most basic
Rob says:
Have they met me? Ha ha, no, I really don’t think that’s true. There are definitely men out there looking just for sex. There are also guys who want more than just sex. You can probably
tell in a guy within the first or second date.
Leo says:
No I don’t think that is true. I believe that women are seeking the wrong men, the “bad boy” or the “exciting” “adventurous” type. Guess what? These guys
tend to have many different women around them. Women don’t give us “nice guys” a chance, but swear they want everything we have.
Jason says:
Not a fair question. Sure, men want sex but so do women; look at the cougar rage. It comes down to trust. Men get the bad rap for always wanting sex. Women get the bad rap for using sex to get what
they want. As a man, it is easier to play the game of getting them in bed than getting a girl you can trust.
Q: What if you married a girl who started out really physically fit and tuned into how she looked and then she has the kids and lets herself go. How would you manage that in a long-term
Mike says:
Well I’m not going to answer any different. They gave the nice-guy answer. You know, I can’t …
SheKnows: Just answer… you’re divorced now!
Mike: This is why! I would cheat. No, I’m just kidding. Don’t put that in! It’s a joke!
Loren says:
You have to understand the situation she is going through, and obviously she’s a mom, so it takes a lot to be a mother. And if she’s let go, it’s not because she wants to, it’s because sometimes
the body acts differently. So you just have to be there for her, support her, make sure that she gets through this and she comes out of it on top.
Corneliu says:
I’d support her, and instead of attacking her. Maybe go work out with her and get her going and kind of spark her again. Help her on her diet and give her positive reinforcement, because that’s the
only way you’re going to get her to respond to any kind of feedback and take more pride and care in her body.
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