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What He Wants: Q&A with the guys

Q: So what would women be wise to do? How would we best approach you guys… let’s say we’re dating and we want to go that next step?

Mike says:

I like girls that kind of have their own thing going on and they’re not like, “Oh my God, you didn’t call me. Where’re you at?”

Loren says:

Just be honest about it. The earlier on that you are honest about it, the better it’s going to be for the long run. If he’s not that into you as you are into him, you might as well just get it out
of the way and see if you actually want to go to that next step.

Q: What’s the most annoying thing a girlfriend can do in a relationship?

Jason says:

Make me do girl things with her like baby showers, brunches on Sunday and any other crazy event where it will be her girlfriends, no beer, no TV and me: sad, crazy and wondering where the knives
are hidden.

Mike says:

Being negative – I hate that. Being real needy, like they have no life of their own, low self esteem is being pain in the ass, negativity – a big pain in the ass. A sense of entitlement, like I
need the world to do things for me. I got a list that I can pull out – and some charts.

Loren says:

When they tell you what to do or give you advice when you haven’t asked for it, as if they don’t trust you to know the answer or trust you to be smart enough to come to them when you need advice.
Women talk about all their problems out loud, and they think they can support men that way and it really just annoys us and pisses us off.

Corneliu says:

I probably think that the most annoying thing for me is a woman being a hypocrite; expecting us to do things that they don’t do themselves.

Q: What’s the worst dating advice you’ve ever given? Or gotten?

Jason says:

First, let me say that some things I find funny are only funny to me, and my humor leads to bad dating advice. I had a friend who had a long-distance relationship. One day, the guy just stopped
calling her — blocked her email address and de-friended her on Facebook. She asked me what to do. I told her to fly out to see him, confront him and get closure. I really didn’t think she would.
That is not true, I did, and I talked her into doing it. It was a disaster, to say the least. She has now de-friended me on Facebook, no longer calls or texts me, and does not follow me on Twitter

Rob says:

One of the worst pieces of advice I received was “wait three days before you call.” I never understood that rule. If you feel the date went well and you have something interesting/funny
to say, or even if it’s to say “hi,” I think you should call.

Leo: I
don’t give out bad dating advice, and we men, we really don’t get any dating advice either so… if I had to choose, it would be the “just go up and grind against her” advice men love
to give other men at clubs. Unless you’re super-great looking, it rarely works.

Q: How do you think the constant influx of dating guides and movies has influenced “the scene”?

Jason says:

The scene has not changed — ages and names have changed, but the scene is the same. From dive bars to clubs, the hair and styles have changed but the scene is what it is.

Rob says:

I personally feel technology has had a bigger influence on the scene than dating guides or movies. With texting, Facebook and email, dating has become so impersonal and almost too easy. I may be
old school, but I still like to pick up the phone and have a conversation with someone.

Leo says:

It has hurt the scene. Women, more than men, feed into this bull****. Take a look at the differences in the guides between men and women. Guides for men are about how to get a woman’s
attraction; guides for women are how men think, how to find the right man and why we’re dogs. Sex and the City has done more harm than good.

Q: SheKnows wants to know… What do YOU want?

Mike says:

I don’t feel like I’m this half-person waiting for the perfect woman to come along and save me. I think I’m looking for two whole people that can be really synergistic and complimentary, where
together, we have something great.

Loren says: I just want to be happy.


I know exactly what I want out of a woman and I know what I am willing to give and what I’m passionate about. To find someone that shares in those values and is willing to understand me, care about
me, and has the things that I need to be loved, that’s ultimately what I want.

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