I don’t know about you, but I have never seen the appeal of spending New Year’s Eve in Times Square crammed into a tiny space with 20,000 strangers, unable to move or even leave to take a bathroom break. Here are some more romantic ways of celebrating the new year.
Drink champagne anywhere
You probably know a couple of people who think the key to a perfect New Year’s Eve is the setting. I know I do. One friend is so excited about ringing in the start of 2010 in Paris that she couldn’t stop gushing about it over dinner…back in August. However, in my opinion, you don’t have to travel to France to stage a romantic New Year’s interlude. You simply need a bottle of champagne (Veuve Clicquot Rose is my favorite, but any kind will do), two glasses, and a guy that you’re kind of crazy about. To boost the romance quotient even higher, read on.
Make reservations
New Year’s Eve is the perfect excuse to indulge in a romantic dinner, so be sure to make reservations well in advance. Don’t make the assumption that you have to go to a “fancy” place either. One of my favorite New Year’s Eves was spent dancing to ’80s music at a dive bar. Skip the overpriced clubs if that’s not your scene and go somewhere fun with your guy. (Bring your own champagne, if need be!)
Wear something sexy
Even if you’re not planning to go anywhere on New Year’s Eve, don’t deny yourself the pleasure of wear something sparkly or a little bit sexy. Whether it’s a sparkly eyeshadow or a leather dress, your guy will definitely notice and appreciate the extra effort.
Stay in
I’ll admit it: I am a sucker for Dick Clark. There is something that is so familiar and comforting about him; he’s practically a tradition in his own right. So if watching the NYE countdown is a must for you, make sure you at least do it right — don’t just stare mindlessly at the boob tube. Wear a festive hat, play a drinking game with your boyfriend or husband, and be sure to kiss every time Dick goes to commercial or says “rockin’ eve.”
Start your own countdown
If TV doesn’t necessarily say romance to you, why not skip it and do a little countdown of your own? Tell your partner that you want to get a head start on Nerve’s Position of the Day Playbook and vow to make 2010 the sexiest, most orgasmic year yet!
What are you doing for New Year’s this year? Share your story in the comment box below.
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