Sexual confidence – or confidence at all, really – is a touchy subject. A lot of people believe they’re sexually confident, but inside they’re incredibly insecure, waiting for someone else to validate their standing as a sexual human being. Many women know they’re insecure, but still try to hide it. How do we become truly sexually confident, accepting ourselves for who we are and the sexual human being we are?
What is true sexual confidence, and how can we become truly sexually confident? It’s probably not what you think. Our SheKnows Love & Sex experts, Dan and Jennifer of, tell us how to get some self-esteem between the sheets.
more sexual confidence Tips & Advice:
How to stay confident and stimulate your sexual appetite
What we can learn from French women about sexual confidence
Maintaining sexual confidence while pregnant
More from OUR SheKnows Love & Sex experts:
Dan and Jennifer are full of valuable love and sex advice. Check out more of their video sessions that discuss some of the difficult topics!
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