By Jaime
June 23, 2010
I’ve written about the “occupational hazards” with working in oncology, but what about self-care, for those of us in the field or for those whose loved ones or friends have been diagnosed with cancer? The past several years have highlighted the importance of this for me – not only was I finishing my MPH and writing a Master’s thesis on cancer, I had interned at Memorial Sloan-Kettering, my grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer, friends of mine had relapses or were diagnosed with metastatic cancer, and my aunt was diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer. Sometimes, I didn’t want to hear any. More. About. Cancer. EVER. I questioned whether I was strong enough emotionally to work in oncology, and whether I could really make a difference.
But when all was said and done, I realized that when it comes down to it, I didn’t want to do anything else. I don’t shy away from people who are ill, or who “look” ill. I don’t avoid uncomfortable situations or deny the seriousness of things. But I also know when to just be with the person or laugh over something so ridiculous or silly. I had to remind myself that though it seems ubiquitous, the world is larger than cancer, pain and sadness.
On an airplane, what are the safety instructions? In case of an emergency, secure the air on yourself first and make sure you can breathe, then help others. Without self-care, we cannot really give ourselves or be there for others in the way that we want. For me, self-care came – and still comes – in the form of writing, running, yoga and napping. Sometimes self-care can be seeking out another person who is removed from the situation and sharing your concerns or emotions with them; other times taking care of yourself can mean allowing yourself to cry, rage, be afraid or be sad. Spending time with children always has a way of reminding us how wondrous and special life is, and their laughter is infectious. Find what works for you, and utilize it. If self-care comes in the form of seeking out professional help, that’s nothing to be ashamed of – there are many psycho-oncology social workers and therapists that have experience in dealing with the tornado of emotions that cancer can bring.
Remember, make sure you can breathe easily, then help others to breathe.
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