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Cancer awareness blogs

5 top tips to rebound from a cancer diagnosis

By Sheryl
March 1, 2010

There’s no denying that hearing “you’ve got cancer” changes your life forever. But a diagnosis doesn’t need to take over your life completely. It’s so important to remember that you’re still you and not just a patient. There are surefire ways to make things easier for yourself.

I’ve learned many important lessons through my cancer journey: not just about who I am as a person, but also helpful ways to cope in light of upsetting and sometimes life-altering information. In sharing them with you, it’s my hope that you’ll be able to incorporate them into your life as well.

1. Schedule time to think.

It’s so easy to let worry about cancer consume every minute, every day. But dwelling on it puts a big strain on your physical and mental resources, not to mention your close relationships. Instead, allow yourself 15 minutes a day – and no more – to think about your fears and upcoming treatments. Yes, it requires a great deal of discipline to stop yourself at the bell. But it’s entirely possible, especially with practice.

2. Keep exercising.

You might not be up to your usual peak performance, but do something, anything, to keep moving. (Of course, get your doctor’s permission). Exercise is not only a great diversion; it’s a reaffirmation of sorts that you are going to be okay. And there’s real scientific evidence that points to the health (both physical and mental) benefits of exercise; from boosting your mood to improving your immune functions. During my chemo treatments, I continued to exercise – still participating in my aerobics classes, bike rides and gym routines – but at lower levels. It put me back into the world of the healthy. This, I’m convinced, kept me not only sane but healthier, too.

3. Eat your best.

Make sure you load up on plenty of fruits and veggies, fresh juice and lots of water. I know it’s common sense, and you probably already know this. But sometimes when you are facing cancer, you lose sight of the most obvious day-to-day necessities. Eating well can give you not only pleasure but help you gain a sense of mastery, knowing you’re doing something good for yourself (much like exercising).

4. Inspire yourself.

Like art? Spend a few hours at a fabulous museum or gallery. Love music? Go see your favorite artists perform or go to a musical show. Or get involved in an art or music class; take up a new hobby that you’ve always wanted to delve into but never gave yourself permission to do. I started doing lots of art projects during my chemo treatments. I found myself inspired by what I could create, plus it put my mind in a restful, yet aware, state. Similarly, whenever I walked outside, I slowed down and took extra time to look – really look – at nature. Something about a new bud about to burst open on a tree branch made me hopeful.

5. Look ahead.

By giving yourself something to look forward to, you’ll feel a sense of future. When I was first diagnosed, I refused to engage in any conversation with my husband about the future. I just shut it out. But then, as I gained more confidence in my health, I found that planning a trip or even buying concert tickets in advance gave me a huge boost – something to look forward to and a date on the calendar to strive toward.

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