The weather outside is frightful, there’s nothing on television, and you’d like to spend a little quality time with your family doing something everyone can actually enjoy. Have you considered a video game night?
No, really! The latest games and gaming systems have a lot for families, believe it or not. Rather than the classic model of a gamer lost in his own world, alone, the latest trend is multiplayer games that encourage actual interaction between real people. Cool concept, huh? Here are a few games to try on your next family video game night.
Hasbro Family Game Night for the Wii and PlayStation 2
If you’re looking for family game fun, why not look to the people who invented the idea, right? Mr. Potato Head hosts this on-screen edition of classic family favorites — Boggle, Connect Four, Battleship, Yahtzee, and SORRY. Adults and kids alike will find things to enjoy here — from choosing a game room theme to playing games in new and innovative ways on the big screen. If your kids can play the board game versions, they can join in this one as well.
You’re in the Movies for Xbox 360
Hook up the Xbox LIVE Vision camera and film your family in starring roles. You can choose from casting calls where you compete for starring roles, or jump straight into B-movie stardom. Craving more control? Have a seat in the director’s chair and make a trailer to promote your masterpiece. Even younger kids can participate here with some help, and your guaranteed to have some laughs as you create your magnum opus.
Rock Band for Wii, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, and Xbox 360
Full disclosure: This game may not be the best choice for moms, dads, and teens to play together, unless you have similar music tastes. Otherwise, you may endure a lot of eye-rolling. But if you can handle an evening of rock music, get ready to let loose. Earn points for solos and showmanship, and boot band members who can’t hold their own. You’ll need some accessories for this game — a drum, microphone, or guitar controller is necessary.
Game Party 2 for Wii
This collection of games enables 4-player action for every title and has a 16-player tournament mode, so even large families can have fun. You’ll find 11 separate games: bean bags, horseshoes, lawn darts, puck bowling, quarterback challenge, trivia, hoop shoot, ping cup, shuffleboard, skillball, and darts; and individual players can track their own progress within the game. These games will get you off the couch and interacting with the family as you rack up points and try to best each other.
Family game night can be a lot more exciting than chips and dip. Video game nights can put a fun new twist on a favorite pastime.?
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