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Top 10 US hospitals

Your local hospital may be equipped to handle general conditions and emergencies, but if you or anyone in your family is suffering from a specific disease or disorder, finding a hospital that specializes in that particular condition can mean more accurate diagnostic results and better odds of a successful treatment plan. Here is a list of the nation’s top 10 hospitals by specialty.

Benefits of a specialized hospital

According to the American Hospital Association 2008 annual survey, there are 5,815 registered hospitals and 5,010 community hospitals in the United States, and over 37 million people admitted every year. Although the majority of hospitals are classified as general medical and surgical, some hospitals have specialized programs, divisions, or centers to treat specific diseases or disorders.

There are many advantages to selecting a hospital that is focused on the care and treatment of a specific disease or disorder:

  • Physicians, surgeons, nurses and staff are specially trained to provide diagnosis, specific care and treatment.
  • Hospitals specializing in diagnosis, specific care and treatment have access to the latest medical equipment and technology.
  • Hospitals may take a multi-discipline approach to patient care.
  • Hospitals offer clinical trials on new medications or procedures.
  • Increased targeted research facilities and funding.
  • Specialized programs or centers.
  • Various patient support programs and education.

Top 10 US Hospitals

The following list of hospitals by specialty was compiled by information derived from US News & World ReportAmerica’s Best Hospital 2009-2010 report, each hospital’s website and media center and various other research sources.

1. Best Cancer Hospital

University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX


According to a study published in the July 2009 issue of the Journal of Clinical Oncology, the incidence of new cancer cases will increase by 45 percent by the year 2030, making it even more imperative to reduce your risk factors for developing the disease as well as know the hospitals that specialize in treating cancer.

The mission of the University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center is “to eliminate cancer in Texas, the nation, and the world through outstanding programs that integrate patient care, research and prevention, and through education for undergraduate and graduate students, trainees, professionals, employees and the public.” In addition, the state run hospital is striving to be “the premier cancer center in the world, based on the excellence of our people, our research-driven patient care and our science.”

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston has 507 beds to accommodate its in-house programs, including end of life services and its various out-patient programs. The MD Anderson Cancer Center was established in 1941 as part of the University of Texas health system. This modern facility is state of the art and is ranked first in the number of awarded research grants received by the National Cancer Institute. The hospital treats both common and rare forms of cancers.

Next page: Best hospital for diabetes and endocrine disorders

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