Feel like you’re running on empty? Relax and re-fuel with these six simple suggestions for maintaining your sanity — even on your craziest days.
Moms are the ultimate multitaskers. Somehow, they find time to do it all — work full-time, fold endless loads of laundry, break up wrestling matches and support spouses.
But the one thing many moms struggle to find time for is perhaps the most important: themselves. Finding and making time to mentally and physically re-energize will not only make you a happier person, but a more patient mother and role model for your entire family.
Surprisingly, finding time for yourself isn’t as hard as you might think. As several moms point out, the simple pleasures in life can go a long way. Here are six tried-and-true ways to carve out some me time in the midst of a hectic day.
Work it out
Running, walking, yoga or working out will give your body the positive endorphins you need to turn that frown upside-down. Even just 30 minutes of cardio can clear your mind and help you return to mommy-hood with an open mind. Emily Zierolf says she often takes son Jacob with her on runs. “He may still be with me, but my running time makes me feel more in control of my out-of-control life!”
Capture your lost minutes
As a busy mom, it’s important to plan your time wisely. Mother of two Teresa Ciulla has an excellent plan for making every second count. “I take a book or magazine with me wherever I go, so if I’m in line somewhere, like the post office, instead of incessantly checking the clock, I crack open the book and enjoy myself. I’ve finished so many books by taking advantage of those lost minutes.”
Schedule girl time
Just because you’re a mom doesn’t mean you have to throw fun out the window. Mom Christy Cowan suggests scheduling a girl’s night with your besties each month. “My girlfriends and I have a standing mom’s night out the first Tuesday of every month. Sometimes we go to dinner or drinks or stay in on someone’s sofa in our PJs – either way it helps get us out of the house for regular girl time and adult conversation!”
Maria Valdez Haubrich agrees that spending time with friends is key to maintaining sanity. “My 85 year old mother has always done it, I do it and I’ll teach my daughter the importance of it, too.”
Take nap time on the road
Itching to get outside? Take your child’s nap on the road! Mary Kate Salerno Hampton takes her daughter on stroller naps, where she’ll walk her to a coffee shop and spend time reading books and magazines.
Let the rhythm move you
So often it’s the little things that make a difference in your mood. For Jenn Marquis, listening to a favorite song can boost her energy instantly. “I turn the speakers on in the front of the car only, and turn the volume up a bit. Good music can always bring me a little peace!”
Settle into a relaxing bath
There’s nothing warm water, bubbles, candles and a glass of wine won’t cure. For many moms, soaking in 15 minutes of silence and relaxation is pure bliss. “When my hubby comes home from work at 8:00 p.m., I sneak upstairs while he puts the kids to bed and take a relaxing bath or dip in our Jacuzzi. It’s my favorite time of day,” Korie Norton says.
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