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Kawasaki disease: Madison’s story

For most children, coming down with an occasional virus is part of childhood. When Madison, then age 3, developed swollen lymph nodes, bloodshot eyes, a rash and a 105.1 degree fever, her mom knew it was more than a childhood illness.

Madison was rushed to Blair E. Batson Hospital for Children and diagnosed with Kawasaki disease, an illness that affects less than 20 in 100,000 children in the United States. If not treated within five days of outbreak, the complications skyrocket: Kawasaki disease can lead to heart attack or become fatal.

Madison received immediate treatment. The required IV regimen normally takes around 10 hours, but Madison’s blood pressure kept dropping dangerously low. Doctors had to stop, get her pressure back to normal, then resume the IV treatment. The procedure took 18 hours, followed by numerous visits and outpatient treatments.

But Madison, now 6 years old, is a survivor. She has less than a 2 percent chance of relapse and the only indication of what she’s been through is her passion for life. After coming so close to death, she and her family have learned to live every moment to the fullest. Madison also gained a compassionate spirit, and she is always showing love to those in need of kindness.

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