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Quick-fixes for your summer fitness disasters

The Five Best Moves to Get You Back on Track

To help you recover from a fitness disaster, here are five moves for a fast full-body workout.

1. Jumping Jacks

Start with your legs together and your arms by your side. In one motion jump and spread your legs out to the side while your arms raise out and up over your head. Land in this position and then return to the starting position and repeat.

2. Cardio Strides

Stand with feet together. Stride backward with one leg by bending the knee to a right angle while raising the arms to shoulder level. Lower the arms to your side and repeat with the other leg. Continue by alternating legs.

3. Plyometric Push-Ups

Same as a regular push-up except as you extend your arms push up explosively so your hands leave the ground. Then allow your elbows to bend slightly to absorb the shock as you land. Lower and repeat. A variation of this exercise is to quickly clap your hands as they are in the air. Keep your abdominal muscles braced and your back straight. Do this on your knees if a full push up is too challenging.

4. Reverse Crunch

Lie on your back with your hands out to your sides, head on the floor, and bend your knees. Bring your knees toward your chest until your hips come up slightly off the floor (avoid rocking). Keep your knees together in a fixed position and imagine bringing your belly button towards your spine as you curl your knees to your chest. Hold and squeeze your abdominal muscles for one second and repeat.

5. The Plank

Lie face down resting on your forearms, palms flat on the floor. Push off the floor, keeping your body straight, as you raise up onto your elbows and the balls of your feet. Tilt your pelvis and contract your abdominal muscles by drawing your navel inwards toward your spine and brace it there. Keep your back straight (don’t collapse in the middle) in a straight line from head to heels. Hold this position for a few seconds, increasing the time as you get stronger, rest and repeat.

For more summer fitness disaster solutions and workouts you can do year-round, visit or check out Celebrity Body on a Budget to get A-list motivation to sweat.

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