When my girlfriends and I just got together for a girls night, one of whom just started seeing a new guy. I couldn’t help but feel nostalgic of my single gal life, as I helped her plan her flirting over text message just hoping for a date invitation. Don’t get me wrong, marriage is awesome and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. But sometimes, even the most happily married ladies miss certain things about flying solo.
Shopping for date outfits
When you’re dating someone new, it’s easy to justify dropping big bucks on a can’t-live-without-it “going out” top or dress. You firmly believe the right outfit (along with your charm, smile and sharp wit) has the power to mesmerize him, ultimately leading to the next date. It’s an investment in your future, right? But once you’re married, you’re just not as inclined to spend half of your paycheck on your weekend wardrobe. (Shoes … maybe.)
Total control of the remote
Once you become married you can’t totally occupy the couch all day watching nothing but Keeping up with the Kardashians. (My husband actually feels physically ill after catching even a glimpse of that show.) Alternatively, you will get stuck sitting through really boring political commentary, war documentaries, football and cartoons made for grown men. While having someone to share your life with is one of the best parts about marriage, it’s not always easy to share your TV… or the computer… or the bathroom…
talking sex at sunday brunch
The best, most riveting brunch scoop is from those whose who have a juicy hook-up story to tell, a recap of a fabulous date or text messages that need group support to decode. While you may think your life is exciting, no one else is all that pumped up about your action-packed adventures at Home Depot.
the thrill of looking for “the one”
Trust me, I know being single isn’t all fun and games, and that there’s a lot of uncertainty and pressure involved when it comes to finding Mr. Right. How could you ever want to take back the nights of uncertainty and complete spontanaeity? I am certainly thankful I found my Mr. Right, but I think it would be fun to go back and get to relive the beginning of our relationship all over again … which brings me to my next point:
The excitement of new relationships
I can’t believe there was a point in time that I didn’t really know anything about my future husband, or that he would even be my future husband. With every phone call, date and email, I learned something new (like the fact that he can easily eat an entire container of hummus in one sitting .
He’s also very accident prone – his shirt caught on fire when he was grilling once). He wrote charming, witty emails to make me laugh all day at work and I would get so excited to see his name pop up in my inbox. Luckily he still writes good emails, so that excitement hasn’t waned. Sure, being a newlywed is fabulous in its own right; but there’s just nothing like the giddy anticipation of a brand spankin’ new relationship.
And then, of course, there are the things that women don’t miss about being single, like waiting for him to call and catastrophic blind dates. But I’ll get into that another time…
More advice for married and single:
Two-hour dates for busy parents
De-stressing for couples
How to keep the romance alive (and hot!)
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