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Sexy arms: Arm exercises and fat-burning diet tips

Of course the right upper-body exercises are crucial for shaping slim and sexy arms, but it’s only one part of my integrated program for creating the arms and body of your dreams. You must also “feed” your arms so that you’re building muscle while burning off the fat. Here are my top six nutrition and exercise tips from Six Weeks to Sleeveless and Sexy that you can put into action today for trim, toned arms.

Diet tips for enviable arms

Drink up for dynamite arms

Be sure to drink eight or more glasses of pure spring water in between meals to keep your appetite at bay, support metabolism and burn fat. Don’t drink more than a few ounces with your meals because too much water during meals can dilute stomach acid and impair digestion. Drinking pure spring water throughout the rest of your day will also help balance your stress hormones, which can increase even if you are just mildly dehydrated. Sodas, coffee and sugary sports drinks pretending to be water do not count as your daily water intake.

Eat breakfast for lean, mean arms

Research shows that people who eat a substantial, balanced breakfast of clean, lean protein, high-fiber carbs and healthy fat lose more weight and keep it off. Make the time in the morning to indulge in a satisfying meal that will keep you going for hours. Keep in mind that you don’t need to eat “breakfast” for breakfast. If you want a turkey wrap for breakfast, then enjoy!

Refuel your muscles after every workout

Lean proteins and high-fiber carbohydrates are key for replenishing your tired muscles. The amino acids from protein support muscle growth and recovery, plus your body uses carbs to refuel your muscle stores of energy (glycogen) to set you up for success during your next workout. Please skip the sports nutrition bars, which I always dub “adult candy bars.” And remember: Just because you worked out does not mean it’s okay to saddle up to the Ben and Jerry’s ice-cream bar.

Up next: Arm exercises >>

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