Next time you have a flat tire, keep it! Amen Iseghohi, founder of Phoenix-based amenZone Fitness Training, helps people stay in shape by simply using old car tires for a back-to-the-basics approach to exercise, dubbed “Primal Fitness.” This former junior professional rugby player shares five of his favorite full-body exercises, starting with a warm-up you can do at home with an old tire.
Benefits of working out with a tire
An old tire may be the last thing you’d consider a fitness tool, but working out with these rubber car parts is beneficial for body, mind and the environment.
- Tires minimize injuries due to their ergonomic and soft, forgiving surface (unlike some gym equipment).
- Mind and body are not separate; the round shape of the tire implies continuity.
- The Environmental Protection Agency estimates more than 275 million tires lie in stockpiles throughout the US. Reusing recycled products, such as tires, minimizes the negative effects of landfills on our environment.
How to get a tire
Getting a tire is as simple as going to your local tire store and asking for it! Stores have to pay to get rid of tires, so they willingly give them away free. Just wash it off and cruise through these at-home tire exercises!
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