Get domestic.
Cleaning house may not be the highlight of the day, but keeping things neat and tidy is essential for health because it reduces allergens and bacteria; plus, it reduces your risk of injury from tripping on items left on the floor. Uncluttered homes also are good for your mental health. Just think about how stressed you get when you see that pile of laundry growing every time you walk past it! Cleaning your house is a great way to tidy up while burning calories and working your muscles. Put on some tunes, and you’ll burn even more calories grooving to the music.
Save time and stress less with easy cleaning tips >>
Have sex.
Yes, it’s true: A romp in the sheets is a calorie burner, and research suggests sex also is a boon for heart health. Your partner certainly will appreciate your efforts to use sex to get fit and trim.
Sizzling sex for heart health>>
Put some spice in your diet.
Although miracle diet foods simply don’t exist, some foods do stoke your body’s fat-burning fires. Warm spices, such as cinnamon, mustard, ginger and cayenne, will elevate your metabolism while increasing your thirst. (Reach for an icy cold glass of water!)
More foods that help burn fat >>
Diet right.
You don’t have to go on a crash diet to lose weight. All you need to do is make small changes in your meals. Have open-faced sandwiches instead of using two pieces of bread, eat a piece of fruit instead of a candy bar, use milk instead of cream in your coffee, or switch to brown rice instead of white. By eating wholesome foods and making healthier substitutes, you’ll end up consuming fewer calories and being less hungry, which can be the equivalent of a workout every day.
10 Strategies to lose weight and feel great>>
Carry extra weight.
No, we’re not suggesting that you ratchet up the number on the scale. We’re talking about adding a little extra weight to your daily routine. For example, instead of pushing around a shopping cart, carry a smaller shopping basket and then carry your grocery bags to the car instead of letting the bag boy do it. Wear a weighted vest or a backpack with books in it — or strap your infant into a snuggly while you clean house, go shopping, or walk your dog for even more calorie-burning bang for your buck.
More ways to work out without even trying>>
More fitness tips:
- The best time to exercise
- 5 Fitness rules you should break
- Stay hydrated!
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