There’s a quote that says “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.” I would venture a new one: If you want to make God cry, tell him you haven’t really made any plans. Businesses always start with a plan, and every sports team goes into a game with a solid plan. These are entities driven by results and so must you be. You need a written life plan if you are to have a good chance of fulfillment in this day and age. Here are 10 reasons to get a life plan as soon as you can.
Making a plan gives you direction
True: life is a journey, not a destination, but you always want to go in the direction of “better.” Granted, better is a relative construct, but it must be your construct and you must define it. Once you have a clear direction, then you can make progress. This is no easy task, which is why it is No. 1.
A clear direction gives you focus
Once you have your clear direction, life immediately becomes black and white (in a good way). There are things that take you in the direction of your life plan and those that do not. You will start to notice that most of the things you were doing do not contribute to your plan, and a subplan is automatically formed to rid yourself of those extraneous activities.
Having focus means more motivation
All plans need energy like all cars need fuel. A clear plan adds to motivation. Now you have decided what is going to happen in your life, and you hopefully made a plan that only includes things you want and enjoy.
Being plan-oriented helps you set priorities
There is too much to do in life. The more ambitious your life plan, the more you will have to do. But a clear life plan will make obvious the activities that contribute the most to its achievement. This is a result of the focus mentioned above. You will be automatically drawn to those activities that do the most to help along the life plan and repelled from those which contribute the least.
A life plan will illuminate your weak spots
One of the best reasons to create a life plan is because it calls you on your flaws. Are you being disingenuous, fake, superficial or simply full of hot air? A well-made life plan will tell you. Again, by writing it down you will naturally be drawn to correcting inconsistencies in your life plan.
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