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Opposite work schedules: How to maintain a strong relationship

If you and your partner work different shifts, keeping your relationship thriving may seem impossible. Even though you’re sleeping and working different hours, you can make it work with a little planning. Follow these tips for keeping your relationship strong.

Aim for one day off together.

If you work a different shift from your partner or spouse, it’s critical that you have at least one day off in common each week. In an ideal world, you’d both have weekends off, but that might not be the case. Do what you can to trade days off with someone else at your job, or talk to your boss about a schedule change to get one day off together.

Settle household issues by email.

When you have such little time to spend with your partner, don’t waste it by talking about the grocery list, paying bills and handling other issues. Use email, text messages or notes on the refrigerator to deal with these types of things. This way, when you are together, you can really enjoy yourselves.

Set a sex schedule.

On different shifts, you must find some time for sex. Plan a sex appointment with your partner. Put it on your calendar as you would any other appointment, and don’t cancel. Sex isn’t everything, but it’s a healthy (and fun) part of your relationship. Even if it means waking up an hour earlier, you can find time for sex.

Read on for more tips on keeping a sex schedule >>

Do something sweet.

Put a love note in his briefcase. Pack him a special lunch. Leave a racy voicemail on his cell phone. Do whatever you can to let your man know that you are thinking about him. Absence may make the heart grow fonder, but he needs to know that you still love him.

Check out the many ways we say, “I love you” >>


Don’t sweat the small stuff.

Dishes left in the sink, laundry on the floor… These things aren’t worth nagging about when you rarely see you partner. Try to look at the big picture and enjoy each other’s company, instead of spending time together moaning, arguing and complaining.

Read on for ways to stop fighting with each other >>

Keep your options open.

Though you might be making good money at your job, keep your eyes open for new opportunities that will allow you to spend more time with your partner. Though you can handle working different shifts for a while, eventually, you’ll want to get on the same schedule. Keep your options open by learning new skills, diversifying your interests and networking to find a job that is gratifying, lucrative and has a good schedule.

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