Everyone is supposed to be happy during the holiday season, but it turns out to be the most stressful time of the year. With all the shopping, parties, year-end work projects, and general hustle-and-bustle, you can end up feeling anything but merry. Don’t let the stressful holiday season damage your relationship. Follow these tips to not just survive but thrive during the holidays.
Remember the true meaning of the holiday
For Christians, Christmas is supposed to be a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and enjoy time with family — not an over-scheduled month where you are required to buy gifts for everyone you know and attend every party imaginable. No matter what you religious preferences, get grounded again and go back to basics. Slow down, try to ignore some of the commercialism and take time out to appreciate your partner.
Don’t blow your holiday budget
The holidays are a time of giving, but they shouldn’t put a strain on your finances. Set a reasonable budget of how much you want to spend on gifts and stick to it. You don’t want to deal with piles of credit card bills come January. If you are in a money crunch this year, buy small gifts for those closest to you or make your own handmade gifts instead.
Talk it out
Before the holiday stress creeps up on you, talk to you husband or boyfriend about your expectations and possible stressors. Are you worried about time constraints? Do you want to avoid staying at your parents’ house? Find solutions before the problems even arise. Also, make a pact to not over-schedule yourselves. Create new family traditions that mean something to you both and focus on your relationship, rather than what you have to buy and where you have to go. Try to be flexible and maintain a sense of humor.
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