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4 Ways to deal with romantic rejection

No one likes being dumped. It sucks, but don’t let rejection send you over the edge. Follow our simple tips for dealing with a romantic rebuff.

Don’t blame yourself

Wracking your brain for what you think you did wrong is just going to make you feel bad about yourself – the last thing you need after a breakup. Instead of beating yourself up over what you could have done better, try and relax and realize it’s his loss, not yours.

Have some fun

Even if you don’t feel like it, force yourself to go out and have a good time with your friends. Plan a girls-only dinner date, go dancing or gather your BFFs for a night of chick flicks – whatever will put a smile on your face.

Avoid obsessing

Rereading emails and texts, scanning his Facebook page and replaying old conversations in your head are all big wastes of your time. Rather than spending all your time thinking about him, do something to distract yourself – go for a walk, hit the gym or call your BFF. Just stop over-thinking it.

Take it in stride

Realize that this isn’t the end of the world and you will get over it. The hurt will only last so long, so the less you dwell, the sooner you’ll start to feel better. We know it’s not easy, but taking things one day at a time is the only way to really move forward.

A few more ways to move on:

  • Treat yourself: Hit the spa for a facial, body scrub, massage or mani-pedi to take your mind off the breakup.
  • Get out of town: Sometimes a change of scenery is all you need to jumpstart the healing process. Rent a cottage or beach house with some friends or take a solo road trip to clear your head and start fresh.
  • Do something new: Whether it’s repainting your apartment or taking up a sport you’ve never tried, doing something new that has nothing to do with your ex can be a great way to move past a broken heart.
  • Don’t be afraid to fly solo: Just because you’re newly single doesn’t mean you’re relegated to a life in front of your TV. Go see a movie, take yourself out for a drink, visit a museum or go out for dinner – solo. The act of getting out of the house and doing things alone will boost your confidence.

Think you’re ready to start dating? 100’s of tips in our single girl’s guide to dating>>

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