You can’t be in a healthy relationship until you have a healthy relationship with yourself. Ashley Koff, RD, registered dietitian and celebrity nutritionist offers these tips on how to deal with the hectic pace of the holiday season and treat yourself right.
“Treat yourself right during the holidays…the holidays are a special time, ” says Koff. “Wanting to maintain your health regime is no reason to give up on treating yourself a little extra special during this time. But since when does treat = eat? What puts the ‘TR’ in treat are things like: TRim your hair, TRy a new type of massage (I love Thai massage), TRek with a friend — blow off some work and go for a hike even through the snow, fly through the air on a TRapeze, and TRade your errands (with a spouse, a friend, a child). Enjoy your TReats this holiday season!”
Holiday relationships
Ashley also consulted Heide Banks, a nationally recognized relationship expert and frequent contributor to 20/20, The Early Show, Good, Morning America Health, a featured contributor to The Huffington Post. Heidi had some amazing tips on relationships and the holidays.
Holidays are a great time to meet new people. Go out with an open heart and leave home that sweet but awful sweater you got as a Christmas present.
Alone for the holidays? Tell friends as soon as possible so they can include you. And, there are plenty of opportunities to help out your community and serve those around you this time of year. It’s reach out time.
Wanna take a trip but you’re without a significant other? Check out the many singles trips that abound this time of year. Gyms are a great resource for this.
You and your mate always seem to fight more this time of year? Join the can we just make it to January 2nd club! Identify your source of irritation from holidays past. Family? Bad gift giving? Overeating? And talk about it.
You can’t change your relatives but you can change the way you relate to them. Hint. Laugh.
Thinking of breaking off a relationship? While holiday time can be lonely there’s nothing worse than kissing someone at New Year’s that you have lost affection for. Give yourself the gift of a fresh start for the new year.
And speaking of New Year’s, forget the resolutions. You’ll feel a lot better if you practice some self-forgiveness for anything and everything that didn’t quite turn out the way you wished in the past year. The one New Year’s resolution I always make is to be a little bit kinder, gentler and more understanding of myself and those I love in the year to come.
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