We often talk about the best trends and tips, but let’s take things in another direction and discuss which wedding trends you should avoid. Here are some of the worst wedding trends from the last year. Hopefully, they fade away in 2011.
Choreographed dances
Some of the “surprise” dances were really impressive — in the beginning. But now, everyone is hopping on this bandwagon. Most of the dances aren’t good, aren’t funny…and no one is surprised.
Tweeting from the altar
Has social networking gone to far when grooms are Tweeting while their brides are walking down the aisle? Really, aren’t your closest friends and family members at your wedding? Then, why are you frantically typing on your iPhone as you say “I do.”
Pet attendants
We get it — you love your dog. But really, no one wants to see your poodle in a tuxedo running down the aisle with a ring pillow attached to his back. It’s not that cute. It’s lame — don’t do it.
Asking for cash
The latest wedding invitation I received said: “Cash donations to the newlyweds appreciated.” What? How tacky can you be!? Economic times are tough everywhere, and most people would appreciate money over a fourth toaster. However, you should never ask for cash on your wedding invitation, raffle off the garter at the reception or directly ask for money from your guests in any other way.
New wedding trend alert
Flash mob wedding!
This couple threw a flash mob wedding in a mall, complete with a song and dance routine.
More wedding trends
5 Hot wedding trends for 2011
Wedding dress trends for 2011
5 Wedding food trends for 2011
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