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4 Tips for better love decisions

We all make a bad love decision now and then. It can land you in a relationship that isn’t right for you, or compromise a relationship that is working. Here are a few simple ways to minimize love-related mishaps.

Think things through.

Whether you’re trying to figure out whether you want to move in with your significant other, break up with someone who’s frustrating you, or say yes to a marriage proposal, don’t jump into anything if you’re unsure. Take the time to think about what you want and what’s best for you before making any big decisions about love.

Raise your standards.

When you allow yourself to be strung along by guys who don’t have your best interests at heart, you can end up making some pretty poor decisions. Love yourself first, and know that a lot of great guys are out there. Give yourself permission to weed out the bad ones.

Talk it out.

Don’t try to make a major love decision on your own if you’re unsure. Talk about it with a close friend or family member before diving in. Other people are able to see your situation from different angles and might provide potential solutions you may not have considered.

Weigh the pros & cons.

Whether it’s a decision to move halfway across the world, have kids or get married, alleviate some of the decision-making stress by writing out the pros and cons of each option. This will help you visualize what you need to do.

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