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Not home for the holidays

If you’re a recent divorcee and it’s your first holiday alone in a long time, being home might not be the best and most healing option for you. If you kept the marital residence, walking down those familiar halls may be an even bigger reminder that you need to get out of dodge, and there may be no better way to put away the past than a change of scenery. A special solo vacation out of town the first holiday season after a divorce is an exciting way for you to spread some cheer and ring in the New Year!

You survived a divorce and probably a busy year at work, so some time spent out of town might be just what the alimony check ordered. The holidays are fast approaching and it’s high time for you to think about where you would like to travel. Rally your friends to come with you. If they already have their own plans in motion or they’re in a relationship, don’t let that dissuade you. This year, you should consider taking a solo vacation. The world is your package this holiday season, so unwrap it! And there are so many great places you can head off to alone.

How about a spa where you can indulge in facials, yoga and smoothies to close out the year? Or, maybe a singles cruise where there are lots of fish in the sea, if you know what I mean. Maybe you want to do something charitable like building houses in New Orleans? Whatever you choose, remember that safety is the most important thing when you’re alone.

Here are five reasons why traveling alone this holiday season may make it your best holiday yet.

No divorce talk

When you are home for the holidays after a recent divorce, many of your friends and family will ask you how you’re doing over and over again. Sure, they love you and that’s why they are asking. However, you want to keep your mind on positive things during this transitional time and constant divorce talk can get tiring. Spending the holiday alone will keep that divorce crosstalk at a minimum, which may be the best gift you get this entire holiday season!

Clearing your head

Vacationing alone will give you the opportunity to clear your mind of the stress and challenges from your day-to-day life. A change of scenery and the ability to just let go and think for a minute will open your mind to what you may want out of your new life. With New Year’s right around the corner, it will help you set your plans in motion.

The choice is yours

One of the major benefits of planning your own trip is that you can choose to go anywhere you like. When we are in a relationship, we have to consult our partner and make a group decision. This time it’s all about you and the path is open, so take off to wherever your heart desires.

Just like you

When you’re traveling alone, you have the opportunity to meet eligible people who may even be divorced just like you. There’s nothing like curling up to a warm fire at a ski resort with a guy who is hotter than the flames before you. So be open to conversation at the hotel and see where you land. Who knows? You may land in Suite 419 with that dashing ski instructor for a glass of wine and a private lesson.

What happens during your trip, stays on your trip

Another great part about traveling solo is that there is nobody there to judge you. You’re able to let loose and relieve some stress any way you’d like. Whatever you encounter is for your own enjoyment and memory, so make many fun memories for yourself as you enter into this next important and positive stage of your life.

More tips for the newly divorced

Your ex-in-laws and your children
5 Divorce myths to dismantle
Planning a family vacation with the ex

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