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3 Tips for diabetes awareness

It’s the time of the year of again when taking a nap on the couch seems to beat out exercise a little more often that we’d like to admit. It can be pretty easy to forget about our health in all the commotion of the holiday season, but it’s important for us to be aware of and understand our risks for diseases like diabetes.

Get a grip on your risk for diabetes

November is American Diabetes Month, and millions are taking action and raising awareness about the seriousness of the disease. You may not think about diabetes much; maybe it doesn’t affect you personally. But consider this: Diabetes rates are double today what they were 20 years ago, and someone is diagnosed with the disease every 17 seconds. That’s a frightening statistic.

Even more frightening is the actual number of children and adults with diabetes — 26 million. Another 79 million are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Pay attention now — diabetes may be closer than you think.

To take a stand against diabetes and for your health in the new year. You don’t have to swear off pumpkin pie or start training for a marathon, either. A lot of change comes from simply knowing your risk factors and understanding your current health status.


Get your eyes checked


Get a comprehensive eye exam every year. Because the eye provides the only non-invasive view of blood vessels in the body, eye doctors are often the first health care providers to see signs of chronic conditions like diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Find an eye doctor near you.


Assess your personal risk


Take a diabetes risk assessment from the American Diabetes Association on Facebook. It’s fast, easy and provides an indication of your risk for prediabetes or diabetes based on a number of different factors. There’s even a tip sheet to help you lower your risk.


Get moving

 — no excuses


Remember that exercise is important for everyone, even when it’s cold outside. If you can’t bear the cold, consider alternative exercise like power-walking at the mall. You can even knock out your holiday shopping while you’re at it. Now that’s motivation!

More on diabetes

Dash diet ranks best overall
Tips to prevent diabetes complications
Signs of diabetes and treatment options

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