When the temperature soars, don’t lose your cool. From spritzers to sangria, fans to fruit cubes, we’ve got you covered. Here are 35 ways to stay cool this summer.
Meet your friends for margaritas — on the rocks.
Spritz yourself with a portable spray fan.
Jump in a swimming hole. Find one near you at swimmingholes.org.
Eat an ice cream cone. Lil’ Drums snack-size Drumstick cones are the perfect little treat.
Drape a cold wrap around your neck. Pretty ones available on Etsy.
Make frozen fruit cubes by filling your ice cube tray with pureed fruit.
Run through the sprinklers.
Wear a flowy cotton or linen outfit like this A-line linen dress from Calypso St. Barth’s.
Close the window shades.
Eat gazpacho for dinner.
Make an ice block treasure for the kids. Make one for your dog too, and fill it with dog toys!
Hang a sun canopy like this DYNING Canopy from IKEA, and dine al fresco.
Spend the afternoon in an air-conditioned museum, rock gym or bowling alley.
Have a water balloon fight.
Wear a floppy sun hat. We like the cute hats from Flipped Bird.
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