Vanessa Minnillo Lachey talks pregnancy hormones, Nick Lachey and going green for Earth Day.
Vanessa Lachey — formerly Vanessa Minnillo — recently sat down with VH1’s Big Morning Buzz Live to discuss her concerns about the environment and how she’s dealing with her pregnancy.
In support of Earth Day — which is on Sunday, April 22 — Lachey paired with P&G on their “Take a Load Off” campaign which hopes to encourage people to reduce their energy consumption. Lachey explains the move to get green was inspired by her pregnancy. “Being pregnant makes you start thinking about other things in life that are important and one of those things is safeguarding the future for my kid, you know? I want to make sure that I can do my part.”
The one thing Lachey asks? “I’m asking a simple change. Literally, when you wash your laundry, use cold water. Everybody washes laundry. It [cold water] cleans just as well.”
Lachey explains that the premise behind the cold water challenge is important because it makes such a huge impact on the environment. “By using cold water you’re saving 80 percent of your energy outflow per household.”
If you’re skeptical about her claim, it’s actually true. Business Wire reports “heating water can account for up to 80 percent of the energy used per wash load in the U.S.” Lachey continued, “If everyone in the U.S. used cold water for one year, we could power New York City streetlights for 74 years.” Lachey says, “Being a mom-to-be, I need easy changes in my life but important changes.”
With all this talk about Earth Day, we almost forgot Vanessa is five months pregnant! When asked if she feels ready for the life change she is about to experience, Lachey says she thinks you’re always learning as a parent. “I don’t think you’re ever really ready until the little one is there. And even then, my dad still tells me he’s learning and I’m 31-years-old.”
And does Vanessa use pregnancy hormones as an excuse to get husband Nick Lachey to cater to her every need? Not so much, but Vanessa did get candid about her mood swings. “I’m not using them as excuses to make Nick do stuff, but I am using them as excuses [as] to why I’m such a b**** sometimes. I’ll snap, and then I’m like, ‘I’m sorry honey, it’s the baby.'”
Vanessa says she’s very happy with Nick’s performance as a dad-to-be. “He’s been a gem. Granted I’m only five months in, they say — he’s reading the man version of the book and he’s like ‘Oh it gets worse.’ Like [months] six, seven, eight, nine I’m apparently supposed to be a complete basket case.”
Nick announced Vanessa was pregnant in early March 2012. The pair were married last summer in the Caribbean.
We think Vanessa looks great and commend her green ambitions.
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