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Tips for finding the perfect floral arrangement

They have the power to transform a space from utterly dull and lackluster to vivacious and booming with personality. They come in many shapes and sizes and can easily be catered to your personality. They are beautiful and inspiring. The catch: There are so many possibilities! While floral arrangements might seem like a no brainer, they actually take quite a bit of work, in consideration alone. Finding the perfect floral arrangement might seem like an arduous task but there are a few easy things to keep in mind that can help ease the anxiety.

Florist or no florist?

There are two things that you must first consider when thinking about flowers – do you want them put together for you, or are you more of a DIY type person. Regardless of the occasion, you can either look to buy your ready-made bouquets or mix or match to create your own. The benefit of using a florist is that you don’t have to worry about artistry if that is concerning to you. The downside is that you don’t get as much of a hand in the design. Whatever works for you, start with that. The next step is figuring out what you want.

Know what you like

Let’s say that you opted for a florist. Just because you are not physically putting the flowers in a vase does not mean you are not designing something. Flowers are yours to make your own, so be active in the decision making. For example, knowing what is in season, and what kinds of colors you are looking for can be a huge advantage when you step into a shop. Communicate what you want to the florist, which leads to the next key thing to remember – planning ahead.

Have a plan

You know what you want, and you know where to get it. The basic steps are covered. But you must keep in mind that it can’t be left until the last minute. Plan to either go to the florist or shop for your own flowers early to ensure that they have the flowers you want, and that they can have them fresh for whenever you want them.

Having the decision and details settled early allows for advanced planning if you are specifically shopping floral arrangements for a party or gathering. So plan ahead! Your flowers will look better and the details will, without a doubt, fit together so much better if you take the time to be deliberate.

Bigger doesn’t always mean better

My final tip is in regard to the flowers themselves. Obviously, we want flowers that have pleasant aromas, are vibrant and interesting in color and that are bold in the statements they make. That is not necessarily how you should approach finding the perfect floral arrangement. So choose wisely! Overly fragrant flowers can be irritating and might not be conducive for other people. Also, remember that the best floral arrangements make bold statements in their use of color, not their mass. Oversized arrangements sometimes work, but not always. Again, remember what you want. If you plan on using your floral arrangement for a table display, a massive arrangement is not the right fit. Use size and color to complement your decor, and don’t let them hinder it.

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