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5 Ways to be a better BFF

Being friends with someone doesn’t just mean shopping, bar-hopping and brunch dates. Those are all fun things to do with the people you enjoy spending time with but there’s more to being a good friend than entertainment. Make sure you’re being the best BFF you can be with our tips.

Make friends a priority

It’s easy to blow off even your closest friends in favor or staying in after a long week, but make an effort to put friendship first. The closer your friends are to the top of your priority list, the more you’ll actually see them. It’s nice to feel like your close friends will always be there for you (even if you haven’t hung out in a month or more), but avoid taking your BFFs for granted.

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Really listen

Sure, you want to rehash your latest date with the gorgeous personal trainer from your gym and you can’t wait to dish about the crazy love triangle happening at your office, but friendship is about give and take. We’re not suggesting you keep your juicy stories to yourself, but remember to give your friends the floor and keep the relationship balanced. Make a point to really focus on what your friends are saying, not on what you want to say next. The more you listen, the better connection you’ll have with those around you.

Ask more questions

If you listen well, you’ll be able to ask questions, which is a great way to get friends to open up about what’s going in their lives. Even close friends can sometimes put up walls or avoid talking about certain things. By asking questions, you can get a better feel for whether or not things really are OK or if a friend needs a bit of TLC.

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Take an interest in what your friends love

While you likely have lots in common with your BFFs, there are probably a lot of interests you don’t share. But it’s important to take an interest in the things your friends are passionate about even if it’s something that isn’t part of your own life. Does your BFF play in a baseball league? Go see her play. Does another friend love to hike? Offer to get outside with her and have her show you her favorite trails. Trust us; she’ll appreciate the effort.

Talk more

Yes, Facebook is great and we all have lengthy conversations over text, but face-to-face conversation is so important if you want to maintain your close friendships. Even if you only have time to meet for a quick coffee, opt for the sit-down chat rather than three dozen texts or emails.

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