Hooray! You did something fantastic. It’s time to celebrate you! Here are some fun and creative ideas to celebrate your accomplishments — big or small.
Did you give an awesome presentation at work? Sign a new client? Chair a great book fair at the kids’ school? Take some time to revel in the good feelings that come with that accomplishment. It’s all too common to move on to the next task at hand and keep doing more and more without stopping to recognize what you’ve achieved. Celebrating your accomplishments can actually give you a boost of confidence and lead to even more success. So go ahead and live it up! Here are some ideas on creative ways to celebrate.
Give yourself a pat on the back and celebrate your accomplishments with one — or more — of these activities.
Go for a hike
Buy yourself a necklace on Etsy
Treat yourself to a mani/pedi
Download some new music
Enjoy an afternoon at a cafe with your favorite beverage and the newspaper
Buy the book One Good Deed a Day
Crank up the music and dance like crazy
Have a picnic dinner
Share the joy and compliment a stranger
Get your eyebrows waxed
Bake cookies and take them to a neighbor
Host a dinner party and raise a toast to yourself
Go out to lunch with a friend
Call your mom or dad and share the good news
Buy a new magazine
Snuggle up with a new book or a great movie
Go on a road trip
Take a cooking class
Swing as high as you can
Go to a concert
Get a haircut
Hit the thrift stores for some treasure hunting
Call or send a card to an old friend
Go out to dinner at a new restaurant
Get a massage
Take a road trip
Grab your mat and go to a yoga class
Take a personal day
Enjoy a hot cup of tea
Make something crafty, even if you’re not crafty — check out this Pinterest page for ideas
Quick tip
Share your accomplishments on Facebook and do a little “virtual” celebrating with friends.
More on being your best self
Esteem-boosting mantras
How to discover your strengths
Building esteem as a family
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