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How to get involved in breast cancer awareness month

Almost all of us have been affected by breast cancer, or know someone who has, so here are some simple and easy ways to donate, give back and raise awareness this October.

Step 1: Sign up

There are multiple walk/runs that go on in the month of October that give back to breast cancer. The most high-profile event is probably the three-day Susan G. Komen Walk for the Cure. This organization has been around for many years and allows participants to not only get exercise for the cure, but raise money and awareness for it too. The Avon Walk for Breast Cancer is a two-day nationwide event that also raises money and awareness. A less demanding way to get involved is the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. This one-day walk/run is held on various Sundays throughout the month of October. You can donate, participate or even volunteer at your local event. Either way, your time and money will be spent helping to find a cure.

Step 2: Create and bake

With a busy schedule and weekends filled with previous commitments, it could be hard to join a walk or run. You’re not out of luck though — another easy way to give back is to sell tasty treats and give all the proceeds back to a breast cancer organization of your choice, such as The Breast Cancer Society. Cookies, cakes and pies are always a crowd pleaser, so selling them should a cinch! Pulling together a bake sale or individually selling products to co-workers or family is also a great way to bond with your community and spread the word for a cure.

Step 3: Buy

Don’t have time for baking? No worries — shopping can fix that. Look for products this month with the signature pink ribbon logo — and often, pink anything gives back to organizations that support breast cancer awareness. Big brand names like General Mills, as well as a multitude of beauty products, like this Bobbi Brown blush, have this logo present on their items and give a significant percentage of the sale back to organizations like the American Cancer Society. This is a quick and easy way to donate that doesn’t take much energy or time.

Step 4: Go Online

Online shopping is quickly becoming the top medium for busy women to buy items, so why not donate to the cure at the same time? Many websites like the Pink Ribbon Store and The Breast Cancer Site offer oodles of products that have the iconic pink ribbon on them. By buying these products you will not only be donating to the cure but you will also be spreading awareness by promoting the brand.

Step 5: Go mobile

The most important part of fighting breast cancer is prevention. Often co-workers or family members do not have access to yearly mammograms for various reasons. Take a step to finding a cure by organizing a mobile mammogram company to come out to your work or community to give women a chance to access this vital procedure. Search online to see what companies in your area offer this service, including hospitals and locally owned organizations. You will be making a difference in other people’s lives and you may even save one.

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