As convenient as it is to Google everything we need nowadays, when it comes to your health and nutrition, it’s best to go straight to the experts. We found the best nutrition books you’ll want to keep on hand to help with all your health-related questions and concerns.
your way
to better health
Do you want to learn more about health and nutrition? With so much information available on the internet and so many books to choose from, it can be tough to decipher what’s the best and what’s, well, not. Luckily, we found five of the best nutrition books to meet your needs. Written by experts and full of facts you won’t find online, you’ll want to pick these up as soon as possible to begin your journey toward a healthier lifestyle.
The China Study
by T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell II
The China Study is an in-depth study detailing the connection between health, the foods we eat and diseases including diabetes and cancer. The China Study clarifies what’s true and what’s not in a simple, easy-to-read format. If you’re living with cancer, obesity or heart disease, or just looking for factual health information, this is the book for you.
Beautiful Babies
by Kristen Michaelis
Beautiful Babies: Nutrition for Fertility, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, and Baby’s First Foods is your one-stop book if you’re looking to conceive or are already pregnant. Let’s face it: With so much information out there on the topic, nutrition is a challenge when you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. It’s hard to separate truth from myth; for example, some say no caffeine at all, some say no more than 10 ounces and some say no more than 200 milligrams. Beautiful Babies sets the record straight on this and more, so put it on your “must-read” list for everything pregnancy- and baby-related.
Staying Healthy with Nutrition
by Elson Haas and Buck Levin
Staying Healthy with Nutrition contains an encyclopedia’s worth of information. It’s easy to read and is based on scientific research and decades of practical experience. Essentially, you will find everything you need to know in this one giant book: Topics range from weight management and depression to herbal supplements and homeopathic medicines. Trust us, this book covers it all and is even used by physicians and other health care professionals.
American Dietetic Association Complete
Food and Nutrition Guide
by Roberta Larson Duyff
The Complete Food and Nutrition Guide is packed full of nutrition and healthy-eating advice for every age. It goes in-depth on how to select, prepare and store food, and even tells how you can get the most for your money. It covers the nutritional supplements you should be taking at every age, what to eat in restaurants and how to be a healthier cook. This book is perfect for those simply looking to live a healthier life but don’t know where to begin.
by Alejandro Junger
And finally, we bring you Clean: The Revolutionary Program to Restore the Body’s Natural Ability to Heal Itself. This book shows how to truly feel healthy, which is something many Americans have never felt. Your recurrent health issues can diminish or disappear, you’ll lose weight and you’ll enjoy life again. Clean will help you change the way you see food, for the better. Full of tips and even some delicious recipes, Clean can make you feel like a new person.
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