Be smarter
about dating
Dating can be a complicated matter, but we want to make things easier for you.
That’s why we’re sharing our best tips for how to date
smarter and in a way that works better for you.
Don’t rush
Rushing into a relationship may be tempting, but it’s smarter to take things slow and make sure what you have is genuine and something worth investing time and effort into.
Bust through a dating rut
In a dating rut? That’s OK. You just need to shake things up by taking a break, dating against-type or being more spontaneous.
Get set up (at least once)
There’s no harm in asking friends to set you up. In fact, it’s fun to go on a blind date at least once just to see how it feels.
Believe you deserve to be happy
If you don’t believe you deserve happiness, you’ll never meet someone who is ultimately right for you.
Fall in love with yourself
You’ve likely heard the saying that you need to love yourself first before anyone else can love you. And you know what? It’s true.
Just say yes
Take one week or one month where you say yes to anyone who asks you out. There’s no quicker way out of a dating rut, plus you’ll have fun.
Be patient
We know it’s hard, but you need to be patient when you’re on the hunt for Mr. Right. You’ll meet him eventually but you might need to be patient in the meantime.
Take charge
It’s your life, so go out there and find what you want or take charge when it comes to moving a new relationship forward.
Be yourself — always
There is absolutely no point in pretending to be something you’re not either to get a guy or keep him. If he doesn’t like you for you, he is clearly not Mr. Right.
Don’t compare yourself to others
Comparing yourself to others — your ex’s new girlfriend, your current guy’s ex, friends who have found love — will just make you crazy. Don’t do it.
Ditch the “rules”
There are no rules when it comes to dating. Either he likes you or he doesn’t and either you like him or you don’t.
Be honest
If something isn’t working or is going nowhere, be honest with him and yourself and don’t drag it out. Move on from things that don’t feel right.
Open up
You can’t really get to know someone and build a bond without being open and sharing things about yourself. If you want love, you need to be able to let it in.
More dating tips
Tips for a first date that will ensure a second date
The causes of bad dating habits and how to fix them
10 Surprising ways to tell he’s a good guy
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