Beth Beard approached her photographer friend Blake Morrow before her gastric bypass surgery because she wanted to document the before-and-after results.
Beth vs. Beth
After she told him the idea, he put his Photoshopping skills to work and came up with some seriously awesome ways to showcase her dramatic weight loss in a series called “The Beth Project.”
Sound of Music
Morrow told Buzzfeed, “I love before-and-after stuff — be it home re-dos or weight loss comparisons. Creating this imagery with Beth was a chance to add to that lore, but to try something different.”
Beth in Space
They explored pop culture themes as well as sci-fi, for which they both have a major yen.
Fitting in the T-shirt
“The decision to have such a drastic surgery was the impetus to make a full change in my life,” Beard told Cosmopolitan.
Laurel and Hardy
Blake was excited to show the world that Photoshop can still do good, despite the bad rap it has gotten lately.
Boxing champ
He told Cosmopolitan, “Photoshop gets such a bad reputation these days that I was determined to use it in a way that would encourage and inspire people while being true to the heart of my subject, Beth.”
Beach day
The project took two years to complete and shows Beth before and after a loss of 150 pounds. It was all about showing both sides of her in a positive light.
Singing diva
“Body image and consciousness are such a divisive idea in our society,” Beard said to Cosmo. “I’m hoping that images like Diva Beth show that people on both sides of the spectrum can love themselves.”
Frida and Diego
While Beth’s taking on multiple characters in the series, Morrow wanted to show her uniqueness through her fun, creative side. I’d say he achieved that with aplomb!
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