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After Years of Rejection, This Woman Is Ready to Cheat On Her Husband — But Reddit Has Other Thoughts

Many people go through dry spells in their relationships, where sex and physical intimacy are happening less frequently. It’s normal, and it happens for a number of reasons — maybe you’re both busy, or stressed, or dealing with health issues that impact your libido. But when a dry spell doesn’t seem to end, and it’s impacting you and your partner’s relationship and mental health, it can feel impossible to solve — as is the case for one woman on Reddit, who is contemplating resorting to drastic measures.

The woman (aka OP, or original poster in Reddit slang) and her husband are both in their late 30s with a young daughter. Early in their relationship, OP writes, “sex was frequent and adventurous.” She wasn’t sexually experienced prior to their relationship, so it “pretty much defined” who she is today, sexually. “I always loved exploring my sexuality with him,” she says.

Sounds fun, sounds good, but recently, their sex life has taken a turn. OP no longer feels like her physical needs are being met, and she’s wondering if it’s OK to explore options outside of their marriage… without telling her husband. AKA cheating. She took to Reddit’s Am I the Asshole? (AITA) forum to solicit opinions and advice, and boy, did Reddit have some. Read the full story ahead, complete with Reddit’s harsh-but-fair verdict.

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