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Confessions from OCD sufferers reveal what the illness really feels like

Think you know what obsessive compulsive disorder is? It’s common to hear the phrase “I’m so OCD” thrown around, but for those who live with the illness, the compulsions and obsessions are nothing to joke about. 

The Secret Illness, a transmedia creative arts project that explores the reality of life with OCD, hopes to change the public perception of the disorder with “The Wall,” an online series of brutally honest confessions.

Co-founder Liz Smith, who curates The Wall’s mosaic-style online page, said: “When we launched we had no idea if people would feel brave enough to post their stories on The Wall, but it quickly gained its own momentum and now the wall posts are coming in thick and fast.”

Smith has been amazed by the “incredible” response, which she hopes will help raise awareness of the reality of living with OCD.

“Many people out there have been suffering in secret, and it’s really wonderful to be playing a part in creating a community platform where we can explore what OCD really is so creatively and honestly,” she said. 

Mayo Clinic defines OCD as “characterized by unreasonable thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead you to do repetitive behaviors (compulsions)” and notes that it is “possible to have only obsessions or only compulsions and still have OCD.”

Visit the International OCD Foundation for more information, help and advice. 


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