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The Pitch: Luvvie Ajayi sells us on a unique way to promote HIV awareness

Did Luvvie convince you in her 60 seconds? Would you be willing to don a pair of red shoes in support of promoting HIV/AIDS awareness among women and girls?

Name: Luvvie Ajayi

What you’re pitching:The Red Pump Project

Position: Executive director/co-founder

Hails from: Chicago, by way of Nigeria

Birthday: Jan. 5

Personal life: Something I keep sacred and mostly to myself.

Priors: Bachelor of Science in psychology, University of Illinois

Pitch inspired by: We created The Red Pump Project because both me and my co-founder, Karyn, know people who are infected and affected by HIV. One of my friends has 20 cousins who were orphaned by AIDS in Malawi, and they’re living with her grandmother. HIV affects women, because even when we’re not the ones who are living with it, we’re the caretakers, so we wanted to do something that shows that we’re standing with women who are touched by this epidemic in any way.

Mentor(s)/people who inspire: My mother, for her sacrifices that have lit my path.

Last read/watched/listened: I last read Taiye Selasi’s book Ghana Must Go. SO GOOD.

Social: My personal Twitter and Instagram: @Luvvie. Red Pump’s Twitter: @RedPumpProj and Instagram is @RedPump

Guilty pleasure: Watching The Maury Povich Show. Except I don’t feel that guilty about it.

How I recharge: Napping. Lots of naps.

Top of travel wish list: Ethiopia

What does it take to change someone’s mind? To convince them to buy a product, modify their daily routine or completely make over their lives? Could you sell someone on an idea in under 60 seconds? We invite you to try. But remember — the clock is ticking. To participate in The Pitch or recommend someone you know, contact us at [email protected].

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