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Dr. Edith Bracho-Sanchez Busts 10 Common Myths About the COVID-19 Vaccine

As we head into back-to-school season 2021 and many families prepare to resume in-person schooling for the first time since the start of the pandemic, it’s even more imperative that those eligible for vaccination get educated and make plans to protect themselves against severe illness. There’s a lot of vaccine misinformation, fear-mongering and myths floating around the Internet (from that one relative on Facebook to whatever is being re-upped in Instagram stories) and sometimes you just wish you had a trustworthy, expert opinion to help sort through the nonsense.

Well, never fear! SheKnows caught up with Dr. Edith Bracho-Sanchez, a pediatrician at Columbia University, to address the real concerns of her patients and their parents and demystify what we know about how the mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 work. Whether it’s looking into the phenomena of “doing your own research” and understanding why you shouldn’t just “wait for more information” or  looking at the benefits of pregnant people getting the vaccine (Dr. Edith was pregnant at the time of her vaccination and while we filmed this interview!) and the thorough vetting required to get a vaccine anywhere near your arm, Dr. Edith clears up a number of common misconceptions.

So whether you’re looking to get a bit more information on the vaccine for yourself or are hoping to send some helpful resources to someone else in your life who is a bit more vaccination hesitant, give the above video a watch or pass it along to do your part to debunk vaccine myths that are still floating around this fall.

Before you go, check out some of our favorite kid-friendly masks for keeping your little ones safe:

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