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8 Inspiring boy bedroom designs to steal ideas from

Before you decorate your son’s room, check out eight clever boy bedroom designs to borrow ideas from.

We asked top bloggers to share stylish boys’ rooms. The results? Incredible ideas to get you started on your kid’s bedroom. From music themes to hanging beds, these design elements will have you itching to get started with your own fabulous design.

1. Unique furniture and personality

Image: Infarrantly Creative

“The pipe hanging beds add a touch of industrial and allows such a unique aspect to the design,” says Beckie from Infarrantly Creative. “And what 7-year-old doesn’t go crazy over hanging beds?” Borrow the industrial elements and the focus on the child’s personality.

2. Sports theme for sibling rivalries

Image: Kristen Duke Photography

“We decorated the room with inspirational quotes as well as sports paraphernalia, along with a picture of the two of them to remind them how much they love each other!” says Kristen of Kristen Duke Photography. Don’t be afraid to segment a shared room by interest, even if those interests clash.

3. Surprising colors and clever storage

Image: East Coast Creative

“I love giving family furniture pieces new life to make them fit my spaces,” says Jess from East Coast Creative. “There’s a lot of love and history in those pieces, so it’s fun to use them in a new way!” Borrow this flair for color by using unique accents.

4. Music themes and industrial decor

Image: Little Bit of Paint

“I love the industrial look, and paired with a music theme it makes this one of my favorite rooms in our house!” says Therena from Little Bit of Paint. Get the look with industrial elements like wire shelves, exposed lights and distressed furniture.

5. Thoughtful design and bright accents

Image: Delightfully Noted

“I really like how the striped wall breaks up the room, and I adore the little reading nook with the personalized name blocks!” says Jennifer from Delightfully Noted. Try this at home by creating a functional reading nook in your boy’s room.

6. Clean style for a tween boy

Image: All for the Boys

“It’s a space that both my son and I love being in, where he can grow and add pieces that fit his style as time goes on,” says Allison from All for the Boys. Borrow the thoughtful art accents and muted grays.

7. Modern and fresh DIY style

Image: DIY on the Cheap

“The thing I love most about my boys’ room is that it’s a space they can enjoy now while they are young, but it can also grow with them as they get older,” says Erin from DIY on the Cheap. Get this modern style by painting your own furniture finds.

8. Stylish vintage trains

Image: Chic on a Shoestring Decorating

“I love that we were able to create a one-of-a-kind headboard on a tight budget that will easily last into my son’s teenage years,” says Kate from Chic on a Shoestring Decorating. Borrow this style by creating a more grown-up color scheme in yellows and grays.

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