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7 Suprising uses for baking soda

Baking soda saves you money, and it is better for the environment than harsh cleansers.


Photo credit: George Doyle/Stockbyte/Getty Images

t Baking soda is amazing. You can use it to do so many things, and it is very inexpensive! It is also so much better than using harsh chemicals in your home. Here are 7 ways that you can use baking soda.


Use it in the laundry

t Replace your fabric softener with baking soda. Add about one half cup to your rinse cycle. Or you can add one half cup when you add your detergent to brighten your whites.


Use it to remove gunk that you just can’t get clean

t I made a paste that combined baking soda, water and lemon essential oils. The grease-stained areas of my kitchen were wiped clean with this mixture. It is also a great grout cleaner. I didn’t need to scrub anything. I just applied it and wiped it away.


Clean your stove/oven

t If you have a glass-top stove, don’t waste your money on special cleaners. Sprinkle a little baking soda on the problem area and add a little vinegar. Let it foam and wipe it away. Instead of buying an oven cleaner with harsh chemicals, try out this mixture. Get the bottom of your oven a little wet. Use a spray bottle or sprinkle it with your fingers. Then just cover the entire bottom of your oven with baking soda so it makes a paste. Let it sit for a few hours and come back to wipe away the mess.


Use it to soothe insect bites and itchy skin

t Just make a paste out of baking soda and water, and apply it to the problem area.


Add it to your shampoo

t Just sprinkle a little into your shampoo, and wash and rinse as usual. This will help to remove any buildup and give you more manageable hair.


Clean your microwave

t In a microwaveable container, add 3 cups of water to 3 tablespoons of baking soda. Microwave for about 90 seconds so it gets hot. Carefully remove it from the microwave and let it cool; it will be very hot! Grab a clean towel and wipe away old food splatter in your microwave.


Deodorize your carpets

t Sprinkle a little baking soda on your carpet and let it sit, the longer the better. If you use a lot, use a broom to remove as much of the baking soda as possible and then use your vacuum to pick up the rest. Bonus: This will also get rid of any yucky odors you may have in your vacuum.

t As you can see, baking soda can do a lot to clean and deodorize. If you are trying to live a more “green” lifestyle, try out a few of these ideas. It will not only save you money, but it is better for the environment!

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