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Cover Crops

Cover crops can add so many benefits to your garden. These hard-working plants suppress weeds, prevent soil erosion and help to control pests and diseases. No matter the size of your garden, cover crops are a great investment.

Cover crops can add so many benefits to your garden. These hard-working plants suppress weeds, prevent soil erosion and help to control pests and diseases. No matter the size of your garden, cover crops are a great investment.

Cover crops are best used between garden seasons to keep the soil and everything around it healthy until you’re ready for the next round of vegetable planting. Grasses and clover that grow quickly are common choices.

Planting cover crops is similar to the process of overseeding grass. Rake the soil, sow the seeds, then rake again. Cover crops are pretty low-maintenance. They will need to be watered and trimmed occasionally. Large areas of cover crops can benefit from a run over with the lawn mower now and then.

When you’re ready to plant your vegetable garden again, kill the cover crops so they do not intrude as weeds. Be sure to kill them before they start flowering and dropping seeds. Ct the cover crop short and then till back into the soil.

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