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How to grow a salad garden

Who needs an extra trip to the market when all you really want is just a fresh, simple salad? Save yourself the time (and money) by growing your own salad garden.

Who needs an extra trip to the market when all you really want is just a fresh, simple salad? Save yourself the time (and money) by growing your own salad garden.

One of the best ways to eat a healthier diet is to always have fresh, nutritious food on hand. Homegrown vegetables always taste better than store bought ones and having them out in your own backyard makes it even more convenient (and saves a trip to the farmer’s market). Plus, growing your own food makes you feel more connected to the land and gets you excited to eat your veggies — perfect for those of us who need a little help balancing our diets.

Even if you’re not an avid gardener, growing a simple salad garden is really easy to do and relatively low maintenance once the garden is planted. A salad garden also doesn’t take up much space. A small 3 x 3 or 4 x 4 foot square plot is all you really need. Simply dig up this space in your yard or, if preferred, install a raised bed. Add compost and soil and plant a mixture of seeds and seedlings. Plant the larger plants like the tomatoes and peppers towards the back and give them room to grow. Some of the larger plants like tomatoes and cucumbers will likely need a trellis or support structure. Herbs and lettuce can be planted towards the front for easy access.

Short on space? Salad gardens grow very well in container gardens too. You should be able to fit one or two variety of lettuce and some fresh herbs for easy salad fixin’s. Artfully arranged, potted salad gardens also make for great garden decor for patios and other small spaces.

What to grow in your salad garden:

1-2 Varieties of lettuce (or buy a seed pack already pre-mixed with several varieties)
Tomato plant (cherry tomatoes are a great choice)
Bell peppers
Green onions
Sugar snap peas

Lettuce does particularly well in cooler weather making it a great choice for spring and fall gardens.

Happy planting!

Also see our ideas for spicing up your salads.

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