Yesterday, Wednesday, March 8, people around the world celebrated International Women’s Day. This year, many women’s ways of commemorating the holiday were by participating in the Day Without Women strike, which took place in cities around the world.
Women marched and rallied, protesting the inequality that still plagues women of all ages, races and backgrounds. These are some of the best pictures from the day.
Lady Liberty
The Day Without Women was kicked off when the Statue of Liberty went dark the night before the rallies.
Boston, Massachusetts
From the rally at the Massachusetts State House.
Let their voices be heard
The leaders of the Day Without Women rally in New York City.
Modern icon
A protestor in New York holds a now-iconic sign during the International Women’s Day rally.
Girl’s best friend
This dog gets it!
Civil disobedience
Organizers of the women’s march and NYC Day Without Women rally were arrested for an act of civil disobedience.
Chicago, Illinois
A Chicago business closed for the Women’s Day strike.
Artwork is women’s work
A protestor in Washington, D.C.
Lima, Peru
Women rally in Lima, Peru.
Teaching the next generation their worth.
Hungry for change
This sign-holder isn’t afraid to flip the conversation.
Wonder Woman
A superhero in the making in Chicago.
Fearless Girl
This statue by Kristen Vishal was erected in a face-off against the NYC Wall Street Bull.
London, England
Women’s Day marchers in London.
Our future is strong.
Montevideo, Uruguay
A Women’s Day rally takes place in the capital of Uruguay.
Marching in Madrid.
Rain or shine
Clouds couldn’t stop these women from marching.
Oakland, California
Oakland strikers spelled out their mission with a can’t-miss sign.
Red coats
The organizers of the Women’s March lead the crowds at the Day Without Women rally in New York.
Protest art
These signs spotted in NYC turn protest into art.
Neutrality is not an option
Protesting in Washington, D.C.
Rosario, Argentina
International Women’s Day rally in Argentina.
Santiago, Chile
A march in Santiago, Chile.
This pup supports all women.
São Paulo, Brazil
A rally in Brazil.
Straight to the point
Sometimes, a simple sign gets the message across just fine.
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