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Tips to help your dog get used to a new place

As exciting as it is for you to move into a new condo, the change of scenery could be stressful to your pooch. It makes sense to teach your dog new tricks to make the transition more enjoyable for both the two- and four-legged members of the household.

train them for the move

“If you are moving from a home with a large outdoor yard where the dog is used to running around into a condo or apartment where you have to walk them, it is best to have the dog leash-trained ahead of time. I think most breeds are adjustable if you train them properly. It may be a little more trouble with a hyper dog,” says Veterinarian Dr. Lisa McKinnon.

control their barking

McKinnon suggests well before moving into the condo to get the dog acclimated to different noises that may be heard in a high-rise building. If you have a barking dog, you can train the animal to bark on command, then teach a hush command and reinforce it with a treat. She says if training doesn’t work, you can use a citronella or spray collar, or, as a last resort, a shock collar.

McKinnon says you can’t stop a dog from barking completely. It is actually good to train them to bark within certain situations such as to alert you when someone is at your door. You can re-train the dog yourself or accompany your pet to training classes, a behaviour therapist or a veterinary behaviourist.

Crate training

“Sometimes when you move into a new condo, crate training ahead of time helps. If done properly, even an older dog can learn. It is like a den: something they are comfortable with unless the dog has separation anxiety — made worse by using a crate. If you are not sure of the safety of the new condo and what the dog might get into, you’ll want to crate train and then once you learn how they are handling the new condo, you can give them more freedom,” McKinnon says.

Make them comfortable

“Make sure all their needs have been met before you leave in the morning — exercise, playtime, food and water. When you come back the first thing you should do is take them out. If you have a small dog, especially an older one who can’t make it outside, paper train or get a flat litter pan to makes things easier,” says McKinnon.

The dog will appreciate some comforts from the past amongst your new decor — a familiar toy, an old dog bed or crate will help to ensure you have a well-adjusted pet.

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